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500 word essay on customs and courtesies

500 word essay on customs and courtesies

500 word essay on customs and courtesies

We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically Etymology. The name "Katipunan" comes from the full Tagalog name for the: "Kataastaasang, Kagalanggalang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan" (Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation) The Tagalog word "katipunan", literally meaning 'association', 'gathering', 'assemblage', 'group', etc. comes from the root word "tipon", a Tagalog word meaning "gathering" or "to gather" A A's AMD AMD's AOL AOL's AWS AWS's Aachen Aachen's Aaliyah Aaliyah's Aaron Aaron's Abbas Abbas's Abbasid Abbasid's Abbott Abbott's Abby Abby's Abdul Abdul's Abe Abe's Abel Abel's

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The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan [1] "Supreme and Venerable Association of the Children of the Nation", Spanish : Suprema y Venerable Asociación de los Hijos del Puebloalso known as Katipunan or KKK[5] was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish colonialism Filipinos in Manila in ; its primary goal was to gain independence from Spain through a revolution.

Documents discovered in the 21st century suggest that the society had been organized as early as January but may not have become active until July 7 of the same year; that was the date that Filipino writer José Rizal was to be banished to Dapitan. Founded by Filipino patriots Andrés BonifacioTeodoro PlataLadislao Diwa and others, the Katipunan was a secret organization until it was discovered in This discovery led to the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution.

The Katipunan being a secret organizationits members were subjected to the utmost secrecy and were expected to abide by the rules established by the society. At first, membership in the Katipunan was only open to male Filipinos; later, women were accepted into the society. The Katipunan had its own publication, Kalayaan Freedom which issued its first and last printing in March Revolutionary ideals and works flourished within the society, and Filipino literature was expanded by some of its prominent members.

In planning the 500 word essay on customs and courtesies, Bonifacio contacted Rizal for his full-fledged support for the Katipunan in exchange for a promise to rescue Rizal from his detention. In Maythe leadership of the Katipunan met with the Captain of a visiting Japanese 500 word essay on customs and courtesies in an attempt to secure a source of arms for the revolution, but without success.

Days after the Spanish authorities learned of the existence of the secret society, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies, in AugustBonifacio and his men tore up their cédulas during the Cry of Balintawak that started the Philippine Revolution of The name " Katipunan " comes from the full Tagalog name for the : " Kataastaasang, Kagalanggalang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan " [1] Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation The Tagalog word "katipunan", literally meaning 'association', 'gathering', 'assemblage', 'group', etc.

The Katipunan and the Cuerpo de Compromisarios were, effectively, successor organizations of La Liga Filipinafounded by José Rizal Who himself was inspired by the martyrdom of his predecessors, the nationalist Priests: GomezBurgos and Zamora. This organization was part of the late 19th century Propaganda Movement in the Philippines. The founders of the Katipunan were Deodato ArrellanoTeodoro PlataValentin DiazLadislao DiwaAndres Bonifacioand Jose Dizon.

Katipunan founders BonifacioDiwaand Plata were all members of La Liga and were influenced by the nationalistic ideals of the Propaganda Movement in Spain. Marcelo H. del Pilaranother leader of the Propaganda Movement in Spain, also influenced the formation of the Katipunan. Modern-day historians believe that he had a direct hand in its organization because of his role in the Propaganda Movement and his eminent position in Philippine Masonry; most of the Katipunan's founders were freemasons [ citation needed ].

The Katipunan had initiation ceremonies that were copied from masonic rites. It also had a hierarchy of rank that was similar to that of freemasonry. Rizal's Spanish biographer Wenceslao Retana and Filipino biographer Juan Raymundo Lumawag saw the formation of the Katipunan as Del Pilar's victory over Rizal: "La Liga dies, and the Katipunan rises in its place.

Del Pilar's plan wins over that of Rizal. Del Pilar and Rizal had the same end, even if each took a different road to it. Captured Katipunan members also known as Katipuneroswho were also members of La Ligarevealed to the Spanish colonial authorities that there was a difference of opinion among members of La Liga. One group insisted on La Liga's principle of a peaceful reformation while the other espoused armed revolution.

On July 7,writer Jose Rizal was banished and exiled to Dapitan in Mindanao. That night Bonifacioa member of the La Liga Filipina ; with PlataDiwaDiazArellanoand Dizonfounded the Katipunan in a house on Azcarraga St. now Recto Avenue near Elcano Street in San Nicolas, Manila. The Katipunan, established as a secret brotherhood organization, was known as the Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng̃ mg̃á Anak ng̃ Bayan Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation.

The rise of the Katipunan signalled the end of the crusade to secure reforms from Spain by means of a peaceful campaign. The Propaganda Movement led by Rizaldel PilarJaena and others had failed its mission; hence, Bonifacio started the militant movement for independence. The Katipunan was governed by the Supreme Council Tagalog: Kataas-taasang Sanggunian.

At the 500 word essay on customs and courtesies of the Revolutionthe Council was further reorganized into a 'cabinet' which the Katipunan regarded as a genuine revolutionary governmentde facto and de jure. In each province where there 500 word essay on customs and courtesies Katipunan members, a provincial council called Sangguniang Bayan was established and in each town was an organized popular council called Sangguniang Balangay.

Within the society functioned a secret chamber, called Camara Reina, [25] which was presided over by Bonifacio, Jacinto and Pío Valenzuela.

This mysterious chamber passed judgment upon those who had betrayed their oath and those accused of certain offenses penalized by Katipunan laws. Every katipunero stood in fearful awe of this chamber. According to José P. Santosthroughout the existence of the secret chamber, about five katipuneros were convicted and sentenced to die by it.

The death sentence was handed down in the figure of a cup with a serpent coiled around it. Inafter the Katipunan was founded, the members of the Supreme Council consisted of Arellano as president, Bonifacio as comptroller, Diwa as fiscal, Plata as secretary and Díaz as treasurer.

Inthe Supreme Council comprised Ramón Basa as president, Bonifacio as fiscal, José Turiano Santiago as secretary, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies, Vicente Molina as treasurer and Restituto Javier, Briccio Pantas, Teodoro Gonzales. Gonzales, Plata and Diwa were councilors, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies.

Two of its initial members were Gregoria de Jesús500 word essay on customs and courtesies, whom Bonifacio had just 500 word essay on customs and courtesies, and Marina 500 word essay on customs and courtesiesdaughter of José Dizon. It was also in when Basa and Diwa organized the provincial council of Cavite, which would later be the most successful council of the society.

The Filipino scholar Maximo Kalaw reports that Basa yielded the presidency to Bonifacio in because of a dispute over the usefulness of the initiation rites and Bonifacio's handling of the society's funds. Basa contested Bonifacio's practice of lending their funds to needy members, complete with promissory notes. It was also in when Emilio Jacintoa nephew of Dizon who was studying law at the University of Santo Tomasjoined the Katipunan.

He intellectualized the society's aims and formulated the principles of the society as embodied in its primer, called Kartilla. It was written in Tagalog and all recruits were required to commit it to heart before they were initiated. Jacinto would later be called the 500 word essay on customs and courtesies of the Katipunan.

At the same time, Jacinto also edited Kalayaan Freedomthe society's official organ, but only one edition of the paper was issued; a second was prepared but never printed due to the discovery of the society. Kalayaan was published through the printing press of the Spanish newspaper Diario de Manila.

This printing press and its workers would later play an important role in the outbreak of the revolution. InJosé Turiano Santiagoa close personal friend of Bonifacio, was expelled because a coded message of the Katipunan fell into the hands of a Spanish priest teaching at the University of Santo Tomas. Since the priest was a friend of Santiago's sister, he and his half-brother Restituto Javier were suspected of betrayal, but the two would remain loyal to the Katipunan and Santiago would even join the Philippine revolutionary forces in the Philippine—American War.

Jacinto replaced Santiago as secretary. In earlyBonifacio called for a meeting of the society and deposed Basa in an election that installed Bonifacio as president, Jacinto as fiscal, Santiago as secretary, Molina as secretary, Pío Valenzuela and Pantaleon Torres as physicians and Aguedo del Rosario and Doreteo Trinidad as councilors. On December 31,another election named Bonifacio as president, Jacinto as fiscal, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies, Santiago as secretary, Molina as secretary, Pío Valenzuela and Pantaleon Torres as physicians and Aguedo del Rosario and Doreteo Trinidad as councilors.

The members of the Supreme Council in were Bonifacio as president, Valenzuela as fiscal and physician, Jacinto as secretary and Molina as treasurer. Enrico Pacheco, Pantaleon Torres, Balbino Florentino, Francisco Carreón and Hermenegildo Reyes were named councilers. Eight months later, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies, in Augustthe fifth and last supreme council was elected to rename offices.

Bonifacio was named President, Jacinto as Secretary of State, Plata as Secretary of War, Bricco Pantas as Secretary of Justice, Aguedo del Rosario as Secretary of the Interior and Enrico Pacheco as Secretary of Finance. Over the next four years, the Katipunan founders would recruit new members. By the time 500 word essay on customs and courtesies society was uncovered, the American writer James Le Roy estimated the strength of the Katipunan attomembers.

Historian Teodoro Agoncillo estimated that the membership had increased to around 30, by Aside from Manila, the Katipunan also had sizeable chapters in BatangasLagunaCaviteRizalBulacanPampangaTarlac and Nueva Ecija. There were also smaller chapters in Ilocos SurIlocos NortePangasinan and the Bicol region. The Katipunan founders spent their free time recruiting members. For example, Diwa, who was a clerk at a judicial court, was assigned to the office of a justice of the peace in Pampanga.

He initiated members in that province as well as Bulacan, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija. Most of the Katipuneros were plebeian although several wealthy patriots joined the society and submitted themselves to 500 word essay on customs and courtesies leadership of Bonifacio. Katipunero plural, mga Katipunero is the demonym of a male member of the Katipunan.

Katipunera plural, mga Katipunera refers to female members. It was the original plan of Bonifacio to increase the membership of the Katipunan by means of sistemang patatsulok or triangle system, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies.

He formed his first triangle with his two comrades, Teodoro Plata and Ladislao Diwa. Each of them re-instituted Katipunan thoughts into another two new converts. The founder of the triangle knew the other two members, but the latter did not know each other.

In December the system was abolished after proving it to be clumsy and complicated, 500 word essay on customs and courtesies. When the Katipuneros had expanded to more than a hundred members, Bonifacio divided the members into three grades: the Katipon literally: Associate which is the lowest rank, the Kawal soldierand the Bayani Hero or Patriot. In the meeting of the society, Katipon wore a black hood with a triangle of white ribbon having the letters " Z.

Kawal wore a green hood with a triangle having white lines and the letters " Z. The password was Gom-Bur-Zataken from the names of the three martyrs Mariano GomezJose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora. Bayani Hero wore a red mask and a sash with green borders, symbolizing courage and hope.

The front of the mask had white borders that formed a triangle with three K s arranged as if occupying the angles of a triangle within a triangle, and with the letters " Z. Another password was Rizal. Countersigns enabled members to recognize one another on the street. A member meeting another member placed the palm of his right hand on his breast and, as he passed the other member, he closed the hands to bring the right index finger and thumb together.

Katipon could graduate to Kawal class by bringing several new members into the society. A Kawal could become a Bayani upon being elected an officer of the society. Any person who wished to join the Katipunan was subjected to certain initiation rites, resembling those of Masonic ritesto test his courage, patriotism and loyalty. The neophyte was first blindfolded and then led into a dimly 500 word essay on customs and courtesies room with black curtains where his folded cloth was removed from his eyes.

An admonition, in Tagalog, was posted at the entrance to the room:. Inside the candle-lit room, they would be brought to a table adorned with a skull and a bolo. There, they would condemn the abuses of the Spanish government and vow to fight colonial oppression: [39] [40].

In what condition did the Spaniards find the Tagalog land when they came? What hopes do they have for the future? During Bonifacio's time, all of the Filipino people are referred collectively by the Katipunan as Tagalogswhile the Philippines is referred to as the Katagalugan.

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500 word essay on customs and courtesies

Etymology. The name "Katipunan" comes from the full Tagalog name for the: "Kataastaasang, Kagalanggalang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan" (Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation) The Tagalog word "katipunan", literally meaning 'association', 'gathering', 'assemblage', 'group', etc. comes from the root word "tipon", a Tagalog word meaning "gathering" or "to gather" We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically Mar 05,  · 47 Likes, 1 Comments - University of Central Arkansas (@ucabears) on Instagram: “Your gift provides UCA students with scholarships, programs, invaluable learning opportunities and ”

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