The Papers of Abraham Lincoln is a documentary editing project dedicated to identifying, imaging, transcribing, annotating, and publishing online all documents written by or to Abraham Lincoln during his lifetime (). Explore the Papers of Abraham Lincoln Lincoln died on April 14, He was. assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the. United States, he led our country through the Civil War, and was later assassinated. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. Abe was May 18, · Abraham Lincoln Research Paper. Words: Subject: Politics & Government. Known for his contributions to the struggle for civil rights and abolishment of slavery, Abraham Lincoln was an important political leader and an influential personality who changed lives of people surrounding him and the destiny of a whole nation as such. His advanced self-control, self-confidence, wisdom and
Abraham Lincoln | Free Research Paper Sample
This sample Abraham Lincoln Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper.
If you want to buy a high quality research paper on history topics at affordable price please use custom research paper writing services. Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer and politician noted early on for his integrity and graceful rhetoric, was president of the United States during the U.
Civil War; he is credited with saving the Union and freeing the slaves. After his assassination in his role was mythologized and remains controversial for those who see his Emancipation Proclamation as a failure and criticize his active support for resettlement of slaves in Africa.
Abraham Lincoln, as U. president during the American Civil War, abraham lincoln research paper, is renowned for his role in freeing the slaves and saving the Union.
He was born 12 Februaryin a log cabin in Kentucky. His family moved several times, eventually settling in Illinois. Lincoln had little formal schooling; he was taught to read by his stepmother.
He loved books, read for the bar, and eventually became a successful lawyer, well known for personal integrity. He married Mary Todd, the daughter of a slave-owner in Kentucky. By Lincoln developed an interest in politics and served in the state legislature and in the United States Congress. He allied himself with the Whig Party, which distrusted what it perceived as a growing slave power in the South that corrupted the cause of democracy, abraham lincoln research paper.
Lincoln joined the Republican Party shortly after its founding in His reputation both as a lawyer and for his personal integrity made him an obvious choice to challenge the incumbent Democratic senator from Illinois, Stephen A. Their campaign centered on a series of debates over the extension of slavery into the territories that caught the attention of the entire nation. Newspapers printed the speeches verbatim. In the end the Democrat-dominated Illinois senate reelected Douglas, senators being elected by the state legislature rather than by popular vote at the time.
The losing senatorial campaign propelled Lincoln to the Republican nomination for president in Lincoln won the election, though with only a plurality of popular votes, from the northern tier of states. Many considered the Republicans too radical; most in the party, like Lincoln, were not abolitionists, but were opposed to the spread of slavery.
Yet for many in the South, Lincoln was seen as especially dangerous, which prompted Southern states to begin to secede from the union in December In spite of calls for him to intervene, Lincoln remained silent, thinking that it would be imprudent to act before his abraham lincoln research paper the following March.
By then, however, eleven states had seceded and adopted a new abraham lincoln research paper creating a Confederacy. On 12 Aprilthe Civil War began when troops of the newly formed Confederacy fired on Federal troops attempting to resupply Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor.
Scholars disagree over responsibility abraham lincoln research paper that event: Lincoln for ordering the fort resupplied, or the South for firing. Early in the war, which both sides thought would be short, Lincoln had widespread popular abraham lincoln research paper. He had early difficulties finding a general who could abraham lincoln research paper. Frustrated by generals who lacked offensive drive and tactical knowledge, Lincoln resorted to reading everything he could about military tactics.
Eventually, he settled on Ulysses S. As the war dragged on, he faced increasing criticism domestically and even within his own cabinet.
He responded by suspending the writ of habeas corpus, arresting and jailing those deemed a threat, and closing Democratic newspapers that criticized the war effort. Internationally, European nations seemed poised to intervene on the side of the South. Partially in response, and following a Northern victory at Antietam, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that slaves would be freed in states still in rebellion on 1 January Critics noted that no one was actually freed. But the proclamation gave new purpose to the war, deterred foreign intervention, and gave hope to those in slavery.
The Democrats nominated General George McClellan, whom Lincoln had dismissed. The fall of Atlanta in September restored confidence to the nation and brought a second term for Lincoln, abraham lincoln research paper. With that election success, abraham lincoln research paper, Lincoln pressed for the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which would actually free the slaves. Lincoln also turned toward the issues of Reconstruction.
His proposed leniency toward the South faced substantial opposition in Congress. His pocket veto of the Wade- Davis bill in was a harbinger of difficulties to come. At the end of the war, in AprilLincoln visited the former capital of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia. There, witnessing his emerging iconic status, newly freed slaves pressed to touch his hand. In the national mourning that followed, those who only shortly before had been vehement political opponents turned their rhetoric to encomium.
Revisionists remind that the Emancipation Proclamation freed no one. Others accuse Lincoln of racism, pointing to his active support for resettlement in Africa. The hope of freedom his words engendered eventually became reality. This is particularly evident in Africa and Latin America. Like many mythological figures, Lincoln rises above the reality and is interpreted by what people feel is important in their own world view.
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, time: 5:09Papers of Abraham Lincoln

If you want to buy a high quality research paper on history topics at affordable price please use custom research paper writing services. Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer and politician noted early on for his integrity and graceful rhetoric, was president of the United States during the U.S. Civil War; he is credited with saving the Union and freeing the slaves May 17, · Abraham Lincoln Research Paper Topics: American Civil War, Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Abraham Lincoln Pages: 6 May 18, · Abraham Lincoln Research Paper. Words: Subject: Politics & Government. Known for his contributions to the struggle for civil rights and abolishment of slavery, Abraham Lincoln was an important political leader and an influential personality who changed lives of people surrounding him and the destiny of a whole nation as such. His advanced self-control, self-confidence, wisdom and
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