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Aker solutions master thesis

Aker solutions master thesis

aker solutions master thesis

Jul 27,  · SHIPPING STOCKS As of Thu 29th of July PM: DRYBULK Spot($/day) Updated May 24, TANKER Spot($/day) Updated May 24, ; Top Five: Bottom Five The Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Center for Global Development is a one year term appointment that provides young scholars an opportunity to apply their research skills in an active policy environment. During their year at the Center post-doctoral fellows are encouraged to pursue their individual research agendas’, while collaborating with and seeking feedback Disclaimer: If you need a custom written term, thesis or research paper as well as an essay or dissertation sample, choosing Assignment Essays - a relatively cheap custom writing service - is a great option. Get any needed writing assistance at a price that every average student can afford

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The Norwegian School of Economics Norwegian : Norges Handelshøyskole or NHH is a business school situated in Bergen, Norway. It was founded in as Norway's first business school and has since its establishment been a leading teaching and research institution in the fields of economics and business administration.

Admission to NHH is the most selective in the aker solutions master thesis of business administration in Norway and among the most selective of all study programs offered in Norway, aker solutions master thesis. The sole NHH undergraduate program consistently ranks among the most popular first choice for students applying to undergraduate study in Norway and was the most popular first choice of all undergraduate programs offered in Norwaywith more than 2, first choice applications and more than 5, in total for places.

The school participates in exchange programs with more than foreign business schools and universities in over 50 countries, and around 40 percent of the school's students spend at least one semester on exchange.

Traditionally, economics as an academic discipline was only taught at the universities in Norway mainly the University of Oslowhere it was first conceived as a sub-discipline of law in the 19th century whereas business administration was not regarded as an academic discipline, with no formal education program being available. NHH was founded to offer the first formal training in business studies in the form of a more vocationaltwo-year degree, called handelskandidat "candidate of commerce".

In the handelskandidat degree was renamed siviløkonom and it later evolved into a four-year degree. The school today offers degrees at the master's and doctoral levels. The business communities in Oslo and Bergen began discussing the establishment of a Norwegian business school at the end of the 19th century.

A number of aker solutions master thesis had been opened across Europe and during the early 20th century several business schools were established in Scandinavia based on the German handelshochschule business school model.

Amongst them, the Stockholm School of Economics was established in InNorway's parliament the Storting passed a resolution to establish a Norwegian business school. After much lobbying and hard work, especially by Kristoffer LehmkuhlNHH was finally opened by King Haakon VII on Monday the September 7, This was 10 years before the University of Bergen was established. The strong involvement of the business community in Bergen had ensured that not only was the school established, but that it was established in Bergen and was closely linked to business community from the very start.

When NHH first opened, the academic staff consisted of fewer than ten people and sixty students were enrolled each year. The first degree course offered was the Handelsdiplom business diploma and graduates received the title Handelskandidat business graduate.

This was initially a two-year course and, starting ina one-year additional course was offered to candidates who wanted to become teachers. In the Handelsdiplom course was extended to three years. After the Second World War, American influence became more important and also started to influence NHH to a greater extent. Graduates and staff began to go to the US to continue their studies and work for a period, a trend that greatly increased in the s and s.

By the early s the need for a doctoral programme at NHH had grown. InNHH received permission from the Norwegian government to award doctorates and in the first doctoral candidate graduated from NHH. By the late s NHH had outgrown its original premises and work began on developing a new campus for the school at Sandvikenjust outside Bergen city centre.

Inaker solutions master thesis, the school moved to its new campus, an event which in many ways marked the transition to a new period characterised by a rapid increase in the number of students as well as teachers.

The new campus provided a large increase in capacity and the annual intake of students increased from 60 to over An important feature of this period was the growth and development of the faculty. The new facilities made it possible to employ many new, talented people and the importance of research as well as teaching was strengthened.

Many successful graduates went to the US to study for doctorates and came back to NHH with international experience and a more research based focus. Many faculty members took advantage of sabbaticals to study and continue their research overseas, many textbooks were published and the volume of publications in international journals increased significantly.

A driving force behind this expansion and internationalisation of research was Professor Karl Borch. During this time Professor Aker solutions master thesis Mossin 's seminal paper "Equilibrium in a Capital Asset Market" was published in Econometricacontributing significantly to the development of the capital asset pricing model CAPM.

About the same time as Mossin returned to NHH from Carnegie Mellon with his doctorate, future Nobel laureate Finn E. Kydland aker solutions master thesis to the same university for his doctoral studies. Most of the US educated doctoral graduates came back to NHH to teach and continue their research, but some stayed in the US and a few like Kydland returned to NHH only to later go back to the US to continue their work.

As the faculty grew and developed so did the academic offerings, with several advanced level courses established. In the name of the Handelsdiplom degree was changed to siviløkonomwith graduate receiving the same title. A master level programme, høyere avdelingstudium HASwas introduced in as a preparation for siviløkonom students wishing to continue on to doctoral studies; and in Professor Dag Coward established a master level programme for students wishing to specialise in auditing, accounting and the financial management of firms, the høyere revisorstudium Aker solutions master thesis. In the siviløkonom degree course was extended to a four-year programme.

In the early s it was realised that the doctoral programme required updating and a new, structured PhD programme was introduced aker solutions master thesis taught courses in addition to the research and writing of a thesis.

Aker solutions master thesis new PhD programme continued the focus on research at NHH, aker solutions master thesis, rather than just teaching. The first candidate to graduate from the new PhD programme did so in and the annual number of graduates rose from 1 in to 12 in The focus on expansion and internationalisation of research was recognised in as NHH was ranked 7th globally and 3rd in Europe in the American Economic Review amongst economics schools or departments in non-English speaking countries by publications in leading journals.

During this period, close relations with international research environments were also established. The international activities at the school have increased considerably and the international focus has become stronger over the years. In NHH established aker solutions master thesis first international exchange agreement with the Stockholm School of Economics, and in NHH became the first institution aker solutions master thesis Norway to offer a master's degree programme taught entirely in English - the Master of International Business MIB.

Following this, greater emphasis has been placed on exchange arrangements for students, and the school joined the prestigious Community of European Management Schools CEMS and the Erasmus programme in and the global Partnership in International Management PIM network in Student and staff numbers continued to rise throughout the s and s.

By there were students and members of staff in total. The siviløkonom qualification was extended to 5 years aker solutions master thesis In line with the Bologna declarationit now comprises a 3-year Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration combined with a 2-year Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration.

NHH alumnus and Adjunct Professor Finn E. Kydland was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences intogether with Professor Edward C. Prescott of Arizona State University. Kydland was giving a lecture at NHH when news of the award arrived. Prescott was a Visiting Professor of Economics at NHH in In NHH announced the launching of a new master programme taught fully in English, the MSc in Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment.

Today, NHH is part of a global network of business schools and universities, aker solutions master thesis. International partner institutions include:. On June 1,the school simplified and changed its English name from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration to the Norwegian School of Economics.

The school comprises over 2, full-time students and a total staff of over NHH, together with two affiliated institutions, AFF Administrative Research Institute [14] and SNF[15] form the largest centre for research and aker solutions master thesis within the fields of economics and business administration in Norway. NHH annually admits student to its sole undergraduate programme in Economics and Business Administration, aker solutions master thesis.

NHH has an equal number of men and women as of As a Norwegian public institution of higher education, NHH admits its students through Samordna opptak where applicants are ranked on a point scheme and the qualified candidates with the most points are granted admission. Undergraduate NHH students are secured transfers to the school's aker solutions master thesis programmes after completing the bachelor's degree.

Most student take advantage of this policy, aker solutions master thesis. In addition, students from other universities and business schools are admitted to the master's and doctoral programmes, and make up the graduate student body, aker solutions master thesis.

The school offers one three-year undergraduate programme in Economics and Business Administration, taught in Norwegian. Most students continue their studies with a two-year master's degree, which together with the undergraduate degree completes the requirements for the Norwegian siviløkonom title.

NHH offers eight master's profiles:. Additionally, NHH offers a master's programme in Accounting and Auditing, as well as the CEMS Master's in International Management which is currently ranked as the world's second best Master's in Management programme by the Financial Times. InNHH was ranked as the 46th best European business school by the Financial Times.

Like all public institutions of higher education in Norway, NHH does not charge tuition fees. This money helps fund the Student Welfare Organisation in Bergenwhich subsidises kindergartens, health services, housing and cultural initiatives. The Student Association at NHH NHHS has groups to accommodate many student interests. As would be expected for a leading business school, NHHS has aker solutions master thesis groups involved with economics and business issues.

These groups maintain contact with the business community and serve to stimulate interest in and improve knowledge of various sectors Norwegians and international business. This is achieved through conferences, seminars, aker solutions master thesis, company visits, excursions in Norway and abroad and trainee programs in various businesses.

The Student Association is led by a board of seven aker solutions master thesis - Kjernestyret. NHH alumni hold several important positions in Norwegian business and politics. Eldar Sætre is CEO of Statoilaker solutions master thesis, [32] Norway's largest company and the largest offshore oil and gas company in the world.

Jon Fredrik Baksaas is CEO of Telenor[33] Norway's second largest company and one of the world's largest mobile phone operators. From Wikipedia, aker solutions master thesis, the free encyclopedia, aker solutions master thesis.

Norwegian business school. For other uses, see NHH disambiguation. Norges Handelshøyskole. Archived from the original on Retrieved PIM Network. Retrieved 11 October Administrative Research Institute. Masters in Management. Hec Paris. Université catholique de Louvain. University of Mannheim, aker solutions master thesis.

Norwegian School of Economics, aker solutions master thesis. Telenor Group.

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, time: 14:15

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship | Center For Global Development

aker solutions master thesis

The Norwegian School of Economics (Norwegian: Norges Handelshøyskole) or NHH is a business school situated in Bergen, Norway. It was founded in as Norway's first business school and has since its establishment been a leading teaching and research institution in the fields of economics and business administration The Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Center for Global Development is a one year term appointment that provides young scholars an opportunity to apply their research skills in an active policy environment. During their year at the Center post-doctoral fellows are encouraged to pursue their individual research agendas’, while collaborating with and seeking feedback Jul 27,  · SHIPPING STOCKS As of Thu 29th of July PM: DRYBULK Spot($/day) Updated May 24, TANKER Spot($/day) Updated May 24, ; Top Five: Bottom Five

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