Jun 09, · Community service is the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.” Community Service means giving back to the community. It means to help people and animals in need. Community Service is doing a good cause in the world because of all the kind-hearted people [ ]4/5(44) May 27, · Thesis: Community service is a noble profession since it gives the service worker an opportunity to help the needy and the disadvantaged. Body. Paragraph 1: Community service has several significant benefits to service workers. When an individual engages in community service, they gain psychological, social and cognitive benefits. Paragraph 2:Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Jan 23, · Community Service Essay Without community service people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. It creates a better society and helps improve one’s individuality. Community service carries a reward that is beyond the obvious and tangible
Why is community service important essay - blogger.com
In seventh grade in JM, every student is required to do at least five hours of community service. Community service is helping your community with your time, and not wanting anything in return. To complete those requirements, I volunteered at the Los Perales Elementary School Fall Festival and I still volunteer at the Moraga Public Library. The Los Perales Fall Festival had two shifts, community service important essay, both in which I participated.
During the first shift, I was a fortune teller, and my job was to tell children that would come by their future. I panicked a community service important essay I ran out of futures to tell, but I had an assistant community service important essay helped me a lot. I was surprised that the stand was popular, there were so many others that I was thankful so many children stopped at the booth. After the first shift, I switched jobs, now working as a fisherman. There was a curtain, pretending to be the sea, and another person behind the curtain who would secure a prize onto the hook.
The other person helped children throw the hook over the curtain and went to get more prizes when needed. I worked with a younger boy, with whom I switched places multiple times to be behind or in front of the curtain. We had a lot of fun, the children were very cooperative and it was really community service important essay seeing how happy everyone was after getting a prize.
After finishing both shifts, I got to take some of the leftover fishing prizes home myself. A few weeks ago I first volunteered at the Moraga Public Library, and again the following week.
I checked in with the staff and they occupied me with tasks like stacking CDs and DVDs, cleaning tables, packing books, shredding and cutting paper. The most exciting task was searching for lost books and CDs that people think they have returned, but they cannot be found. I had to walk from one end of the library to another and, in the end, community service important essay, only a few books were found.
The staff had accepted me nicely, they are all so wonderful, and I cannot wait to volunteer again this week! Thus, I enjoyed doing my community service. It was really fun working with children at the Fall Festival and I like helping around the library, and cannot wait to help some more.
Why is Community Service Important?, community service important essay. Why is Community Service Important? com, Jun 09, Accessed August 1, comJun Did you like this example? Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Studydriver writers will make clear, mistake-free work for you! Get help with your assigment. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you. Email Send me the sample. Thank you! Please check your inbox. Sorry, copying content is not allowed on this website Ask a professional expert to help you with your text.
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Evan Sim- the Importance of Community Service in College Admissions
, time: 2:30Importance And Benefits Of Community Service Example | GraduateWay

Community Service 2 Pages 55% of people between the age of 12 and 18 volunteer in the community (Corporation for National and Community Services). This number of students can be further increased with mandatory community service for high school graduation. Schools should require community service because it improves students Jan 23, · Community Service Essay Without community service people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. It creates a better society and helps improve one’s individuality. Community service carries a reward that is beyond the obvious and tangible May 27, · Thesis: Community service is a noble profession since it gives the service worker an opportunity to help the needy and the disadvantaged. Body. Paragraph 1: Community service has several significant benefits to service workers. When an individual engages in community service, they gain psychological, social and cognitive benefits. Paragraph 2:Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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