IELTS Essay Organic Food. by mamathamedepalli@blogger.com Many stores sell organic fruits and vegetables (produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides) even though they often cost more than conventional fruits and vegetables. Is this a positive or negative development? Mar 02, · For instance, the cost of organic food has proven prohibitively expensive for most people and that is why only a small percentage of the population buy it regularly. In conclusion, junk food should be taxed at a higher rate because of the good precedent set by alcohol and tobacco and the fact that the increased cost should reduce the amount of Vegan organic (or veganic) gardening and farming is the organic production of food and other crops with a minimal amount of exploitation or harm to any animal. Vegan organic agriculture is the organic form of animal-free agriculture.. Animal-free farming methods use no animal products or by-products, such as bloodmeal, fish products, bone meal, feces, or other animal-origin matter, because the
Food and Health Essays
Many students fail to do well in this type of question because they do not have a clear opinion and they do not use an appropriate structure. However, organic food essay, this structure has been approved by IELTS examiners as one that will allow you to write a clear and cohesive essay.
This structure will allow you to focus on organic food essay your ideas and then writing an effective essay.
You will also need to do this in order to write an effective thesis statement. In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is, therefore, necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. Some teachers advise you to partly agree and disagree. However, organic food essay, I organic food essay NOT recommend this because it often leads to an essay with NO clear focus and a CONFUSING structure.
Remember the examiner wants you to fully support your arguments, not just list a lot of ideas. In order to paraphrase the question we simply restate it with a different meaning using synonyms. I will also reorder the question. Here is the question again:, organic food essay. Paraphrased: It is argued that governments should levy a tariff on junk food because the number of health risks associated with consuming this kind of food is on the rise.
We now need to write our thesis statement, organic food essay. This is our opinion in one sentence. This essay will agree with the above statement and will, therefore, look like this:. This essay agrees that a higher rate of tax should be paid by fast-food companies. We now need to write our third and final sentence, which is the outline sentence.
This sentence outlines what you organic food essay write about in the main body paragraphs. Firstly, alcohol and tobacco companies already pay higher taxes and secondly, higher taxes could raise prices and lower consumption. It is argued that governments should levy a tariff on junk food because the number of health risks associated with consuming this kind of food is on the rise, organic food essay. A topic sentence tells the examiner what the rest of the paragraph is about.
In other words, it is a summary of your first idea. It should look something like this:. Higher excise on liqueur and cigarettes has proven to be successful at curbing the harm caused by these substances.
We now need to expand on this point a little. A good way of doing this is to assume that the organic food essay has no knowledge of this subject and you have to explain clearly what you mean. Here is what this could look like:. This revenue has been used to treat health problems associated with these products and has proven useful in advertising campaigns warning people about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco abuse.
Tax from fast food could be used in the same organic food essay. We should now think of an example to support our point. Think about any recent news stories, studies or adverts. The United Kingdom is a prime example, where money from smokers is used to treat lung cancer organic food essay heart disease, while at the same time, organic food essay, pumped into health campaigns in schools to warn children about the dangers of smoking. The United Kingdom is a prime example, organic food essay money from smokers is used to treat lung cancer and heart disease.
We now repeat the same formula with our second supporting point- higher taxes will increase prices and reduce consumption. Fast food companies would pass on these taxes to consumers in the form of higher prices and this would lead to people not being able to afford junk food because it is too expensive.
For instance, the cost of organic food has proven prohibitively expensive for most people and that is why only a small percentage of the population buy organic food essay regularly. Increasing taxes would raise prices and lower consumption. In conclusion, junk food should be taxed at a higher rate because of the good precedent set by alcohol and tobacco and the fact that the increased cost should reduce the amount of fast-food people buy, organic food essay.
I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class, organic food essay. If you need my help with your Organic food essay preparation, you can send me an email here: [email protected], organic food essay.
Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer IELTS Agree or Disagree Writing Lesson with a Sample Answer Home » IELTS Agree or Disagree Writing Lesson with a Sample Answer.
In this post we will look at: Structure Deciding Opinion Idea Generation Writing an Effective Introduction Writing Supporting Paragraphs Writing a Conclusion We will use a question from an IELTS past paper to help us understand the task. Structure Many students fail to do well in this type of question because they do not have a clear opinion and they do not use organic food essay appropriate structure.
Four paragraphs. Do you agree or disagree? With this type organic food essay essay we have two choices: We agree with the statement or; We disagree with organic food essay statement Some teachers advise you to partly agree and disagree.
Idea Generation Now we have to think of ideas for why governments should tax fast food. Now we have two supporting ideas we can move on to our introduction. Introduction As previously stated, we will use the following structure: Paragraph 1- Introduction Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question Sentence 2- Thesis Statement Sentence 3- Outline Statement For a more detailed explanation please see our post on writing an effective introduction.
Here is the question again: In some countries, organic food essay, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. This is our first sentence. This essay will agree with the above statement and will, therefore, look like this: This essay agrees that a higher rate of tax should be paid by fast-food companies.
This is our second sentence. So our full introduction will look like this: It is argued that governments organic food essay levy a tariff on junk food because the number of health risks associated with consuming this kind of food is on the rise. We now need to write our supporting paragraphs for our agree or disagree essay: Supporting Paragraph 1 This paragraph should include: Topic Sentence Explanation Example A topic sentence tells the examiner what the rest of the paragraph is about.
It should look something like this: Higher excise on liqueur and cigarettes has proven to be successful at curbing the harm caused by these substances.
Here is what this could look like: This revenue has been used to treat health problems associated with these products and has proven useful in advertising campaigns warning people about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco abuse. Four sentences. The full paragraph should look like this: Higher excise on liqueur and cigarettes has proven to be successful at curbing the harm caused by these substances.
Supporting Paragraph 2 We now repeat the same formula with our second supporting point- higher taxes will increase prices and reduce consumption. Our topic sentence: Increasing taxes would raise prices and lower consumption. Explaining this further: Fast food companies would pass on these taxes to consumers in the form of higher prices and this would lead to people not being able to afford junk food because it is too expensive.
We now support our point with an example: For instance, the cost of organic food has proven prohibitively expensive for most people and that is why only a small percentage of the population buy it regularly. The full paragraph would look like this: Increasing taxes would raise prices and lower consumption. A good conclusion should just restate your thesis statement and your main supporting points. Agree or Disagree IELTS Sample Essay It is argued that governments should levy a tariff on junk food because the number of health risks associated with consuming this kind of food is on the rise.
My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage, organic food essay. Newest Oldest Most Voted, organic food essay. Inline Feedbacks, organic food essay. View Comments. Load More Comments.
What Does \
, time: 10:48Genetically Modified Foods Essay - Words | Bartleby

Genetically Foods: Genetically Modified Foods Words | 5 Pages. Genetically Modified Foods “70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans The price premium for organic food is an important factor in the economic viability of organic farming. In there was a % price premium on organic vegetables and a 57% price premium for organic fruits. These percentages are based on wholesale fruit and vegetable prices Imported organic food is also subject to control procedures to guarantee that they have also been produced and shipped in accordance with organic principles. The organic logo. The organic logo gives a coherent visual identity to EU produced organic products sold in the EU. This makes it easier for EU based consumers to identify organic products
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