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Police corruption essay

Police corruption essay

police corruption essay

Jun 17,  · That corruption was once serious and widespread in London’s main police force is indisputable. Officers with memories of the s recalled Corruption Essay in English Words. Corruption is a an evil that is spreading its poison in the roots of nation. Corruption in simple words is when a person in power decides to misuse his power in making money for himself/herself. A corrupt person takes a lot of bribes from people, and in return do illegal work. Corruption takes place Corruption is an anti‐social attitude awarding improper privileges contrary to legal and moral norms, and impairs the authorities’ capacity to secure the welfare of all citizens. Corruption is a constant phenomenon in , Nigeria was estimated to have lost over $ billion to corruption since the independence. In , the country ranked th in the countries listed in

GED Sample Essay | GED Practice Questions

The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a statewith the aim to enforce the lawto ensure the safetyhealth and possessions of police corruption essay, and to prevent crime and civil disorder. The term is most commonly associated police corruption essay the police forces of a sovereign state that are authorized to exercise the police power of that state within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility.

Police forces are often defined as being separate from the military and other organizations involved in the defense of the state against foreign aggressors; however, gendarmerie are military units charged with civil policing. Law enforcement is only part of policing activity. Nevertheless, their role can be controversial, as they may be involved to varying degrees in corruptionpolice corruption essay, brutality and the enforcement of authoritarian rule, police corruption essay.

A police corruption essay force may also be referred to as a police department, police corruption essay, police service, constabularygendarmeriecrime preventionprotective services, law enforcement agencycivil guard, police corruption essay, or civic guard, police corruption essay. Ireland differs from other English-speaking countries by using the Irish language terms Garda singular and Gardaí pluralfor both the national police force and its members.

The word police is the most universal and similar terms police corruption essay be seen in many non-English speaking countries. Numerous slang terms exist for the police. Many slang police corruption essay for police officers are decades or centuries old with lost etymologies.

One of the oldest, cophas largely lost its slang connotations and become a common colloquial term used both by the public and police officers to refer to their profession. First attested in English in the early 15th century, originally in a range of senses encompassing ' public policy; state; public order', the word police comes from Middle French police 'public order, administration, government'[9] in turn from Latin politia[10] which is the romanization of the Ancient Greek πολιτεία politeia 'citizenship, administration, civil polity'.

Law enforcement in ancient China was carried out by "prefects" for thousands of years since it developed in both the Chu and Jin kingdoms of the Spring and Autumn period.

In Jin, dozens of prefects were spread across the state, police corruption essay, each having limited authority and employment period. They were appointed by local magistrates, who reported to higher authorities such as governors, who in turn were appointed by the emperor, and they oversaw the civil administration of their "prefecture", or jurisdiction. Under each prefect were "subprefects" who helped collectively with law enforcement in the area.

Some prefects were responsible for handling investigations, much like modern police detectives, police corruption essay.

Prefects could also be women. The concept of the "prefecture system" spread to other cultures such as Korea and Police corruption essay. In Babylonialaw enforcement tasks were initially entrusted to individuals with military backgrounds or imperial magnates during the Old Babylonian period, but eventually, law enforcement was delegated to officers known as paqūduswho were present in both cities and rural settlements.

A paqūdu was responsible for investigating petty crimes and carrying out arrests. In police corruption essay Egypt evidence of law enforcement exists as far back as the Old Kingdom period.

There are records of an office known as "Judge Commandant of the Police" dating to the fourth dynasty. They are known to have made use of trained monkeys, baboons, and dogs in guard duties and catching criminals.

After the Old Kingdom collapsed, ushering in the First Intermediate Periodit is thought that the same model applied. During this period, Bedouins were hired to guard the borders and protect trade caravans. During the Middle Kingdom period, a professional police force was created with a specific focus on enforcing the law, as opposed to the previous informal arrangement of using warriors as police.

The police force was further reformed during the New Kingdom period. Police officers served as interrogators, prosecutors, police corruption essay, and court bailiffs, police corruption essay, and were responsible for administering punishments handed down by judges. In addition, there were special units of police officers trained as priests who were responsible for guarding temples and tombs and preventing inappropriate behavior at festivals or improper observation of religious rites during services.

Other police units were tasked with guarding caravans, police corruption essay, guarding border crossings, protecting royal necropolisespolice corruption essay slaves at work or during transport, patrolling the Nile Riverand guarding administrative buildings. By the Eighteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom period, an elite desert-ranger police force called the Medjay was used to protect valuable areas, especially areas of pharaonic interest like capital cities, royal cemeteries, and the borders of Egypt.

Though they are best known for their protection of the royal palaces and tombs in Thebes and the surrounding areas, the Medjay were used throughout Upper and Lower Egypt. Each regional unit had its own captain. The police forces of ancient Egypt did not guard rural communities, which often took care of their own judicial problems by appealing police corruption essay village elders, but many of them had a constable to enforce state laws. In ancient Greecepublicly owned slaves were used by magistrates as police, police corruption essay.

In Athensthe Scythian Archers the ῥαβδοῦχοι 'rod-bearers'a group of about Scythian slaves, was used to guard public meetings to keep order and for crowd controlpolice corruption essay, and also assisted with dealing with criminals, handling prisoners, and making arrests. Other duties associated with modern policing, such as investigating crimes, were left to the citizens themselves.

In Spartathe Ephors were in charge of maintaining public order as judges, and they used Sparta's Hippeisa member royal guard of honor, as their enforcers. There were separate authorities supervising women, children, and agricultural issues. Sparta also had a secret police force called the crypteia to watch the large population of helotsor slaves. In the Roman Empirepolice corruption essay, the army, rather than a dedicated police organization, initially provided security.

Local watchmen were hired by cities to provide some extra security. Magistrates such as procurators fiscal and quaestors investigated crimes. There was no concept of public prosecution, so victims of crime or their families had to organize and manage the prosecution themselves.

Under the reign of Augustuswhen the capital had grown to almost one million inhabitants, 14 wards were created; the wards were protected by seven squads of 1, men called vigileswho acted police corruption essay night watchmen and firemen.

Their duties included apprehending thieves and robbers, capturing runaway slaves, guarding the baths at night, police corruption essay, and stopping disturbances of the peace. The vigiles primarily dealt with petty crime, police corruption essay, while violent crime, sedition, and rioting was handled by the Urban Cohorts and even the Praetorian Guard if necessary, though the vigiles could act in a supporting role in these situations.

Law enforcement systems existed in the various kingdoms and empires of ancient India. The Apastamba Dharmasutra prescribes that kings should appoint officers and subordinates in the towns police corruption essay villages to protect their subjects from crime.

Various inscriptions and literature from ancient India suggest that a variety of roles existed for law enforcement officials such as those of a constable, thief catcher, watchman, police corruption essay, and detective. The Persian Empire had well-organized police forces. A police force existed in every place of importance. In the cities, each ward was under the command of a Superintendent of Police, known as a Kuipanwho was expected to command implicit obedience in his subordinates.

Police officers also acted as prosecutors and carried out punishments imposed by the courts. They were required to know the court procedure for prosecuting cases and advancing accusations. In ancient Israel and Judahofficials with the responsibility of making declarations to the people, guarding the king's person, supervising public works, and executing the orders of the courts existed in the urban areas, police corruption essay.

They are repeatedly mentioned in the Hebrew Bibleand this system lasted into the period of Roman rule. The first century Jewish historian Josephus related that every judge had two such officers under his command. Levites were preferred for this role. Cities and towns also had night watchmen.

Besides officers of the town, there were officers for every tribe. The temple in Jerusalem had special temple police corruption essay to guard it.

The Talmud mentions various local police officials in the Jewish communities of the Land of Israel and Babylon who supervised economic activity. Their Greek-sounding titles suggest that the roles were introduced under Hellenic influence. Most of these officials received their authority from local courts and their salaries were drawn from the town treasury.

The Talmud also mentions city watchmen and mounted and armed watchmen in the suburbs. In many regions of pre-colonial Africaparticularly West and Central Police corruption essay, guild-like secret societies emerged as police corruption essay enforcement, police corruption essay. In the absence of a court system or written legal code, they carried out police-like activities, employing varying degrees of coercion to enforce conformity and deter antisocial behavior, police corruption essay.

The Songhai Empire had officials known as assara-munidiosor "enforcers", acting as police. Pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas also had organized law enforcement. The city-states of the Maya civilization had constables known as tupilsas well as bailiffs. In medieval SpainSantas Hermandadespolice corruption essay, or 'holy brotherhoods', peacekeeping associations of armed individuals, were a characteristic police corruption essay municipal life, especially in Castile.

As medieval Spanish kings often could not offer adequate protection, protective municipal leagues began to emerge in the twelfth century against banditry and other rural criminals, and against the lawless nobility or to support one or another claimant to a crown. These organizations were intended to be temporary, but became a long-standing fixture of Spain.

The first recorded case of the formation of an hermandad occurred when the towns and the peasantry of the north united to police the pilgrim road to Santiago de Compostela in Galiciaand protect the pilgrims against robber knights. Throughout the Middle Ages such alliances were frequently formed by combinations of towns to protect the roads connecting them, and were occasionally extended to political purposes. Among the most powerful was the league of North Castilian and Basque ports, the Hermandad de las marismas: ToledoTalaveraand Villarreal.

As one of their first acts after end of the War of the Castilian Succession inFerdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile established the centrally-organized and efficient Holy Brotherhood as a national police force. They adapted an existing brotherhood to the purpose of a general police acting under officials appointed by themselves, and endowed with great powers of summary jurisdiction even in capital cases. The original brotherhoods continued to serve as modest local police-units until their final suppression in The Police corruption essay courts of Germany provided some policing in the absence of strong state institutions.

Such courts had a chairman who presided over a session and lay judges who passed judgement and carried out law enforcement tasks, police corruption essay.

Among the responsibilities that lay judges had were giving formal warnings to known troublemakers, issuing warrants, and carrying out executions, police corruption essay. In the medieval Islamic Caliphatespolice were known as Shurta.

Bodies termed Shurta existed perhaps as early as the Caliphate of Uthman. The Shurta is known to have existed in the Abbasid and Umayyad Caliphates. Their primary roles were to act as police and internal security forces but they could also be used for other duties such as customs and tax enforcement, rubbish collection, and acting as bodyguards for governors. From the 10th century, the importance of the Shurta declined as the army assumed internal security tasks while cities became more autonomous and handled their own policing needs locally, such as by hiring watchmen.

In addition, officials called muhtasibs were responsible for supervising bazaars and economic activity in general in the medieval Islamic world.

In France during the Middle Agesthere were two Great Officers of the Crown of France police corruption essay police responsibilities: The Marshal of France and the Grand Constable of France.

The military policing responsibilities of the Marshal of France were delegated to the Marshal's provost, whose force was known as the Marshalcy because its authority ultimately derived from the Marshal.

The marshalcy dates back to the Hundred Years' Warand some historians trace it back to the early 12th century. Another organisation, the Constabulary Old French : Connétabliewas under the command of the Constable of France.

The constabulary was regularised as a military body in Under Francis I of France who reigned —the Maréchaussée was merged with the Constabulary, police corruption essay.

The resulting force was also known as the Maréchausséeor, formally, the Constabulary and Marshalcy of France. The English system of maintaining public order since the Norman conquest was a private system of tithings known as the mutual pledge system. This system was introduced under Alfred the Great.

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GED Essay Prompt | GED Practice Questions

police corruption essay

Corruption is an anti‐social attitude awarding improper privileges contrary to legal and moral norms, and impairs the authorities’ capacity to secure the welfare of all citizens. Corruption is a constant phenomenon in , Nigeria was estimated to have lost over $ billion to corruption since the independence. In , the country ranked th in the countries listed in In police reform circles, many scholars and policymakers diagnose the frayed relationship between police forces and the communities they serve as a problem of illegitimacy, or the idea that people lack confidence in the police and thus are unlikely to comply or cooperate with them. The core proposal emanating from this illegitimacy diagnosis is procedural justice, a concept that emphasizes May 09,  · Corruption Essay 4 ( words) Now-a-days, corruption is seen everywhere in the society just like an infectious disease. The great leaders of the India who have fought their whole life for removing corruption and other social issues completely from the society

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