Sunday, August 1, 2021

Cause and effect essay about smoking

Cause and effect essay about smoking

cause and effect essay about smoking

main cause of smoking is psychological which seems to be a very important factor for people to get the habit. One of the psychological situations which drive people to smoke is low self. In addition on the point is smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die Smoking cigarettes is known to be a direct cause contributing to cancer and numerous heart diseases. With addiction issues, those who smoke will not only get the effects of the tobacco but, they will also receive the cancer-causing chemicals which can lead to health issues such as heart disease and respiratory problems Apr 07,  · CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SMOKING p.1 Scientists and health officials have been arguing the detrimental effects smoking has on our health for many years. Smoking can lead to serious complications including asthma, pancreas, lung and stomach cancer due to the large number of carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) and other various substances added to it. It is a health

Cause And Effects Essay: The Effects Of Smoking Tobacco |

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! One of the most common problems today that are killing people, all over the world, is smoking. Many people start this horrible habit because of stress, personal issues, and high blood pressure.

Some people began showing off or some people wanted to enjoy it. One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction. deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. When someone smokes a cigarette they are not only hurting themselves but are also hurting others around them. Smoking affects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age faster.

Not long ago smoking was considered a casual past time with people smoking in restaurants and around children but now we know the consequences can now be dire to the environment, your health, and the others around you. The smoking addiction is quite a costly habit.

When people are addicted, they have a compulsive need to seek out and use a substance, even when they understand the harm it can cause.

It is actually the nicotine in tobacco that is addictive. Although that may not seem like much, it is enough to create an addiction. Nicotine is only one of more than 4, chemicals, many of which are poisonous, cause and effect essay about smoking, found in the smoke from tobacco products. Cigarettes poison the body both physically and mentally and also have social effects. Smoking can lead to social problems because it causes bad breath, and odorous smell and often isolation.

Every time the smoker speaks, a pungent smell emanates from the mouth and towards the listener, cause and effect essay about smoking. Smoking also causes a pungent smell to linger on the body and clothes of the smoker. The smoking smell is very strong and it affects the listener. The smoke attaches cause and effect essay about smoking the body of the smoker.

Smoking is not only dangerous to your well being but also the cause and effect essay about smoking of others and the environment. These are just a few of the chemicals that float into your lungs when you are exposed to secondhand smoke. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Some of these harmful effects are immediate. Nicotine addiction is hard to beat because it changes your brain.

The brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco. A person may feel anxious, irritable, and have strong cravings for nicotine. Smokers have more oral health problems than non-smokers, such as mouth sores, ulcers, and gum disease. Smokers are also more likely to get cancers of the mouth and throat.

Smoking can cause the skin to be dry and lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles and stretch marks. The skin tone may become dull and grayish. Smoking raises your blood pressure and puts stress on your heart. Over time, stress on the heart can weaken it, making it less able to pump blood to other parts of the body.

Carbon monoxide from inhaled cigarette smoke also contributes to a lack of oxygen, making the heart work even harder. This increases the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. Smoking affects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age more, cause and effect essay about smoking.

Smoking is considered as one of the most dangerous habits of an individual. There are numerous harmful as well as dangerous effects related to cause and effect essay about smoking. Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarette smoke have been related to several adverse impacts on the lungs and heart, cause and effect essay about smoking.

Smoking causes damage to the internal body, causing alterations to the quality of internal organs. For example, smoking affects the lung by damaging the air sac. Damaging the air sac limits the passageway of air, and progressively leads to emphysema. Smoking also leads to an increased probability of cancer, such as lung cancer and heart failure.

Ultimately, reliance on smoking damages the human body, causing more susceptibility to diseases. Carbon monoxide and nicotine both put a strain on the heart by making it work faster. They also increase your risk of blood clots, cause and effect essay about smoking. Other chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the lining of your coronary arteries, leading to the furring of the arteries.

If you smoke, you increase your risk of developing heart disease. Therefore, the effects of smoking cigarettes on human life are serious. Smoking causes are obvious it will ruin your health and give you a series of health issues. Smoking affects not only you but others around you.

It is terrible for health as well as personal appearance. In the end, those who choose to smoke and the others around them are affected the most by this life-threatening activity. Smoking is a habit that individuals find it difficult to quit. Both the causes and effects of smoking have hazardous outcomes that are preventable.

The thorough understanding of the chemical as well as smoking internal and external effects of the body are important in order to battle the issue facing the entire nation. After listening to 2 solid weeks of classroom lecture on all the negative side effects that smoking causes in the human body, I felt somewhat concerned that the habit that I have had for 10 years of my life might be a serious problem to my health, cause and effect essay about smoking, even at this young age.

We spent a great deal of time discussing the negative side effects of smoking covering heart disease, cancer, and respiratory failure, but there was very little discussion given to how and why we started smoking in the first place and what steps we have to take to quit. I set out to find these answers to these questions and determine the best way to stop smoking forever. Smoking kills overpeople a year — more than one in six people in the United States — making it more lethal than AIDS, automobile accidents, homicides, cause and effect essay about smoking, suicides, drug overdoses, and fires combined.

Despite this outrageous number of fatalities, over 47 million people or roughly of the American Adult Population smoke more than a pack a day according to the Harvard Medical Journal. Several sources have been targeted with blame for this trend, some of which include advertising, psychological factors, social support structure or peer pressure, and the likes. Despite Anti-Smoking campaigns targeting these specific areas, the trend continues.

This continuance of the status quo is large because the anti-smoking campaigns of the recent past have been primarily targeted at groups that are already smoking or will soon be. Smokers that start have a very hard time stopping. Nicotine, in fact, affects the same areas of the brain as these drugs and has similar effects.

Nicotine is also similar to these drugs in that the body eventually develops a tolerance to them and requires more amounts of the substance to maintain the effects. Nicotine, however, has a much higher resistance level, thusly requiring even newly started smokers to accelerate their use to dangerously addictive levels. This tolerance and inherent addiction are what make stopping smoking so difficult.

When Nicotine is absent in the user, the individual cause and effect essay about smoking withdrawal symptoms. Among the physical symptoms of withdrawal are tingling in the hands and feet, sweating, intestinal disorders, and headache. People often experience sore throats, coughing, and other signs of colds and respiratory problems as the lungs begin to clear.

While people are enduring these symptoms they should treat themselves as if they were recuperating from a disease — which cause and effect essay about smoking are. But the withdrawal symptoms also affect the mental and emotional states of those that are struggling to quit. Wild mood swings and feelings of irritability and unrest, as though they can?

t quite get comfortable, are very common and should be expected. With such strong forces working against the efforts to stop smoking, the question truly is what do we do to quit?

Which ones work? Why and how do they work? Nicotine Gum and Patches are the latest and greatest solution science has had to offer to the smoking community in hopes of making the success rate inch its way upward.

These products are now sold over the counter to anyone 18 years or older cause and effect essay about smoking come with instructions, calendar markers, support cassette tapes, and a positive planner for a smoke-free life.

They also bring further complications in that prolonged use causes such side effects as an increased risk of heart attack to insulin cause and effect essay about smoking. Another method of stopping is acupuncture, a Chinese holistic approach of using metal staples in and around the ear that actuate charkas that ease the withdrawal symptoms. There is no scientific evidence that has decided decisively how effective this method is.

Hypnosis, or the sub-conscious suggestion of an outside party that uses a dream-like trance to convince his patients to stop, also has very little support or research in the scientific community.

It is obvious this method has worked for many people, but is very expensive and cannot be quantified easily by researchers. There is another solution, not widely publicized, in testing right now.

A company called Celanese has created a chemical cause and effect essay about smoking, when injected in the human body, intercepts nicotine before it gets to the brain. This drug, in effect, would force smokers to go through the withdrawal process once and then never again experience the effects of smoking, thusly eliminating the need for it.

I could find no substantial information about the drug or when it would be available, but most reports indicate that it will probably not be much more effective than the methods available now. In conclusion, smoking is an extremely addictive habit that usually forms in the early teen years. We should be targeting our children from the time they enter elementary school to prepare them for this temptation and encourage them to steer clear of this problem.

There is no sure cure for smoking, and every method requires willingness, dedication, and will power. Smokers should recognize the serious health risks they are facing every time they light a cigarette and accept that quitting such an addictive habit will only come with some amount of discomfort. Never the less, smokers should attempt to quit!

When someone smokes a cigarette they are not only hurting themselves but others around them. Smoking does many horrible things to the human body that most people are not aware of.

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Cause and Effect Essay on Smoking | Examples & Papers

cause and effect essay about smoking

Smoking cigarettes is known to be a direct cause contributing to cancer and numerous heart diseases. With addiction issues, those who smoke will not only get the effects of the tobacco but, they will also receive the cancer-causing chemicals which can lead to health issues such as heart disease and respiratory problems Apr 07,  · CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SMOKING p.1 Scientists and health officials have been arguing the detrimental effects smoking has on our health for many years. Smoking can lead to serious complications including asthma, pancreas, lung and stomach cancer due to the large number of carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) and other various substances added to it. It is a health main cause of smoking is psychological which seems to be a very important factor for people to get the habit. One of the psychological situations which drive people to smoke is low self. In addition on the point is smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die

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