Sunday, August 1, 2021

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Jun 15,  · Human Rights Watch | Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor | New York, NY USA | t Human Rights Watch is a (C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: Human Aug 11,  · The COVID pandemic is harming health, social and material well-being of children worldwide, with the poorest children, including homeless children and children in detention, hit hardest. School closures, social distancing and confinement increase the risk of poor nutrition among children, their exposure to domestic violence, increase their anxiety and stress, and reduce access to vital Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems instantly

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School closures, social distancing and confinement increase the risk of poor nutrition among children, their exposure to domestic violence, increase their anxiety and stress, and reduce access to vital family and care services, homework help online go hrw com. Widespread digitalisation mitigates the education loss caused by school-closures, but the poorest children are least likely to live in good home-learning environments with internet connection.

Furthermore, increased unsupervised on-line internet use has magnified issues around sexual exploitation and cyber-bullying. Immediate government measures need to ensure that children have access to good food, receive protection against child abuse and neglect, have continued access to child physical and mental health services, and can navigate safely on the internet.

Policies also need to support parental employment since it is key to fighting child poverty, homework help online go hrw com. This brief aims to capture some key issues and propose early steps that governments can take to mitigate negative consequences for children, especially the most vulnerable.

The short-term policy focus has to be on reducing risks of physical and psychological harm, and ensuring access to good food and nutrition, the provision of immediate care and protection to children in need, and keeping the education loss for many poorer children to an absolute minimum. The concentration of disadvantage often involves poverty, poor housing and a lack of access to necessary services which already shape individual outcomes — in childhood and later on in life OECD, [1] ; [2].

To date, countries have imposed countrywide school closures, affecting more than 1. Recognising that the impacts of these measures will hit some groups of children harder than others is critical. These groups of vulnerable children include children living in poverty, children with disabilities, children in out-home care, children in detention, and also refugee children and children at risk of child labour. Furthermore, the pandemic has the potential to create new vulnerable children and countries must prepare to respond to growing needs for support.

The majority of children, at least in OECD countries, are spending a significant chunk of their time online. Therefore, the availability of digital homework help online go hrw com may mitigate some of the effects of the crisis: digital devices and internet access homework help online go hrw com valuable resources for children, parents, authorities and caregivers to continue schooling and teaching.

Digital tools also provide recreational activities as well as psychological and social support from outside. They facilitate social interactions among children and contribute to their digital savviness more generally. However, the greater use of digital tools has its downsides — the quality of home-schooling and social contacts may be lower than through school or contacts in person.

Increased digitalisation can also magnify risks such as sexual exploitation and cyber-bullying, if internet use is increasingly unsupervised.

Studies also show that a significant number of children are asymptomatic even when they are affected. Children who are symptomatic experience milder symptoms than adults: they may show flu like symptoms like such as fever, cough and cold, or may have gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea.

Very few children would have respiratory difficulties and may require intensive care admission. In addition, the study of childhood cases in China suggests that because children have fewer chronic cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, they are more resistant to severe coronavirus infection than elderly adults Dong, Mo and Hu, [8]. Moreover, the importance of children in the transmission of the virus remains uncertain Zimmermann and Curtis, [11].

Pregnant women experience immunologic and physiologic changes which might make them homework help online go hrw com susceptible to viral respiratory infections, morbidity, or mortality compared to the general population as observed in cases of other related coronavirus infections, such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. However, this information is based on limited data and it is not clear that these outcomes were related to maternal infection.

Few homework help online go hrw com babies have been infected, but the presumption is that these homework help online go hrw com were in close contact with infected caregivers and mothers and that contact with these caregivers is the mode of transmission as opposed to the transmission from mother to unborn child Chen et al.

The COVID19 pandemic and its economic and social consequences will hurt some children more than others. To a varying extent, these issues intersect with income poverty and poor housing, with the common denominator being that children in poorer families are more exposed, homework help online go hrw com. On average across OECD countries, one in seven children grow up in poverty. Poverty and income inequality have a large bearing on the extent to which children are exposed to COVID-risks.

Poorer families are less homework help online go hrw com resilient and are more exposed to job- and earnings losses while their children are likely to be disproportionally disadvantaged by school-closures see below. Growing up in poorer neighbourhoods increases the risk of catching the virus and be a carrier, experience underlying health issues and reduced prevalence of vaccination among children OECD, [5] ; it also affects access to a range of necessities such as good nutrition, quality housing, sanitation issues, space to play or study, and opportunities to engage in on-line schooling.

The gravity of health, sanitation, family-income, housing and schooling issues are particularly pronounced for children in developing countries or poor areas in countries with large income inequalities. Hunger, malnutrition, pneumonia and other health-related shocks and stresses compound vulnerability to the virus and contribute to a vicious cycle of disease, destitution and death, homework help online go hrw com.

Poverty can fuel contagion, but contagion can also create or deepen impoverishment. Universal health coverage has become a policy priority in many developing countries, but achieving this objective is particularly challenging, as in many low- and middle income countries healthcare systems are underdeveloped and public revenues to finance expansion are limited Rim and Tassot, [17].

Girls in developing countries face risks of early marriage and teenage pregnancies. Every year, 12 million girls are married before their 18th birthday, and about 7. Homework help online go hrw com the aftermath of the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, the increase in teenage pregnancies was most pronounced in vulnerable communities UNSDG, [6].

Adolescent pregnancy rates increased drastically as a result of: school-closures, and the loss of parents or primary adult carers left children without resources, often homeless, and forced them to resort to new ways to find food, including exchanging sexual favours for girls; the loss of access to contraceptive items because of the disruption of supply chains and reduced access to health centres; and, the higher exposure of adolescent girls to gender-based violence UNFPA, [21] ; UNDP, [22].

Teenage pregnancies are far less frequent in OECD countries, but still amounted to an average of about Note: The latest available data refer to for all countries except Costa Rica ; Australia and Israel ; Denmark, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic and the Russian Federation ; Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, homework help online go hrw com, Turkey and South Africa ; New Zealand ; Brazil ; China and India Source: OECD Income Distribution Database, oe.

Economic downturns have a large effect on child poverty risks Box 2. Child poverty is strongly associated with parental employment status, with poverty risks lowest for working families and highest in jobless families OECD, [25].

However, work does not immunise against poverty, especially when employment conditions involve low pay and no access to social benefits and health coverage.

Research on poverty dynamics in a few developing economies without universal health insurance including Bangladesh, Ethiopia and the Philippines suggests homework help online go hrw com health shocks — also for grandparents who care for children so that parents can work — create an immediate need for cash that may lead to people to sell assets that are vital to earning an income such as livestock or borrowing money at extremely high interest rates Diwakar, [27].

The consequences for the children involved are dire. Winning the fight against child poverty has invaluable long-term benefits for children, families, homework help online go hrw com, society and the economy. Child poverty compromises not only child well-being and development, but also educational outcomes and employment prospects in later life, thus reducing not only the future productive base of an economy but also the well-being of our future adults and society as a whole OECD, [2].

Therefore, it is critical that governments intervene quickly to enable family services and child protection systems to function properly, and support families and children effectively in the crisis. Taking a longer term view, poor childhood conditions and inequality play a role in influencing vulnerability to coronavirus among certain adult populations, be that through working in essential services without adequate protection, living in overcrowded accommodation or having underlying health conditions.

The factors underlying the last global economic crisis were different. Nevertheless, some observations on the impact on children point to areas for policy priorities:. Children in families with the lowest incomes — often single-parent families, frequently faced the sharpest fall in incomes OECD, [30].

The increase in child poverty was associated with a rise in the number of children without access to essential material goods and activities such as adequate housing, nutrition and resources to study or participate in social life Chzhen, [31] ; Thévenon et al.

Many countries mitigated the effects of the crisis on families through one-off cash support or tax cuts OECD, [32] ; Adema, Ali and Thévenon, [33]. Some countries, such as Canada, France, homework help online go hrw com, Greece and New Zealand, introduced a greater focus on fighting child poverty in policy development OECD, [1] ; [2].

The unfolding crisis will require strengthening these efforts. In all countries for which data are available, the risk of overcrowding is twice as high for children in low-income households compared to those in high-income households.

But even children who do not live in income-poor households can face housing-related deprivation such as noise or crime due the quality of the dwelling or the neighbourhood.

For instance, one in five children in non-income poor households in France and Spain face multiple housing problems, including the presence of humidity or mould and problems in keeping the dwelling adequately warm Thévenon et al. Access to good nutrition —from conception throughout childhood — is vital for healthy child physical and cognitive development with long-term effects on adult health outcome and economic self-sufficiency Currie and Almond, [34] ; Hoynes, Schanzenbach and Almond, [35] ; Britto et al.

Even in times of good economic conditions, many children are deprived of basic nutrition. Note: No information for Australia, homework help online go hrw com, Chile, Germany, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey and United States due to data limitations.

Data for Switzerland refer to A household is considered overcrowded if it does not have at its disposal a minimum number of rooms equal to: one room for the household; one room per adult couple in the household; one room for each single person aged 18 and over; one room per pair of single persons of the same sex between 12 and 17 years of age; one room for each single person between 12 and 17 years of age and not included in the previous category; one room per pair of children under 12 years of age.

Source: OECD [38]OECD Secretariat calculations based on the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions EU-SILC survey, see OECD Child Well-Being Data Portal under www.

Countries are ranked according to deprivation among all children, homework help online go hrw com. Source: European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions EU-SILCOECD Child Well-Being Data Portal. In several countries, including France and the United Kingdom, access to free or well subsidised school meals is major plank of policies to combat child poverty.

Similarly, in the United States, students supported by the National School Lunch Program were found to get more than one third of their daily calories from food and drink provided at school Story, [39]. When schools are closed, beneficiary children eat less and also consume less nutritious food, a phenomenon known as holiday hunger Nord and Romig, homework help online go hrw com, [40] ; Morgan et al. This may, increase the risk of weight gain for some children outside of that found during the summer months when out of school Rundle et al.

reduced access to healthy food, high family stress, and absence of contact with supportive adults — Box 3 and reduces the number of protective factors e. school placements, homework help online go hrw com, access to play spaces and extra-circular activities, and strong child protection systems. Across the OECD, about 1 in 6 children live in a single-parent household and these children are likely to be more severely affected by containment measures than others for various reasons.

First, a majority of children in this family situation are cared for by a single parent — usually the mother — who has to look after the children while continuing to work with no or limited access to formal or informal childcare assistance during the confinement period.

This is likely to leave a significant number of children with weak supervision, and to increase family stress and tensions between the parent and children, homework help online go hrw com. The fact that there is only one parent in the household also makes it particularly vulnerable should the parent become infected with the virus and get sick.

Finally, a growing minority of children with separated parents are in shared custody, with children alternating between two homes OECD, [45]. Confinement measures may disrupt access arrangements meaning that some children will not see either parent for a period of time that is longer than usual, which can create anxiety and emotional insecurity for children and can be a source of conflict between parents.

There can be extreme cases where, homework help online go hrw com, for instance, a single parent working in the health sector who is exposed to the virus sees his or her children taken away from their home and the custody given temporarily to the other parent by a court decision Twohey, [46]. In addition, families who were coping well enough in usual circumstances might now also need support. There is no comparative data on the prevalence of child maltreatment in OECD countries.

Reductions of face-to-face contact make it hard for child protection workers to work with vulnerable children and families and properly assess risks. It has also added further layers of difficulty for children in terms of access to justice Davidson et al. Nowak [57] estimated that about to children are in care centres and prisons around the world on any given day, and homework help online go hrw com estimated 1 million children are held in police-custody every year.

Nowak [57] also found that children in detention are likely to be in poorer health than those who are not. Evidence shows that detention settings can act as a source of infection, amplification and spread of infectious diseases within and beyond the facilities due to the high concentration of persons in the same space WHO Regional Office for Europe, [58] ; OHCHR and WHO, [54]. This contributes to greater anxiety and emotional distress, further affecting the health and well-being of these children and their families.

Children may also face stigma if they contract the virus within detention facilities The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and UNICEF, [59]. In the OECD, based on available data for some countries, the overall numbers of children in out-of-home care are small.

In the majority of cases, children are placed in family-based foster care general and kinship or residential care small residential unit and larger institutions.

The share of children placed in either of these systems varies among countries OECD, [2]. Children in out-of-home care generally have additional care needs, often due to difficult family circumstances and accumulated disadvantage prior to their entry into care OECD, [2]. In terms of educational outcomes, they are among the lowest performers internationally.

As young adults, such disadvantage curtails labour market outcomes OECD, [2]. While measures such as home confinement and school closures can increase the level of pressure and anxiety felt by children in general, some effects may be stronger in children in out-of-home care and increase the risks of placement breakdowns, homework help online go hrw com.

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Jun 15,  · Human Rights Watch | Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor | New York, NY USA | t Human Rights Watch is a (C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: Human We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow more Aug 11,  · The COVID pandemic is harming health, social and material well-being of children worldwide, with the poorest children, including homeless children and children in detention, hit hardest. School closures, social distancing and confinement increase the risk of poor nutrition among children, their exposure to domestic violence, increase their anxiety and stress, and reduce access to vital

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