Each year, the Committee on International Relations welcomes a small cohort of students who pursue original research that is theory-driven, methodologically sound, and policy-relevant. Trained by world-class faculty and mentored by advanced PhD students, our graduates pursue global careers in academia, consulting, government, IGOs, law firms Curriculum (With Thesis) International Relations PhD Program. Curriculum (With Thesis) Law PhD Program. Curriculum (With Thesis) Management Information Systems PhD Program. Curriculum (With Thesis) Mentally Handicapped Teaching PhD Program; Nutrition and Dietetics PhD Program. Curriculum; Occupational Health and Safety PhD Program. Curriculum IRIO is an excellent way to explore world politics and all the things that are involved. For my Bachelor's thesis, I wrote on images and how they influence international relations – more specifically, how infographics convey climate change. I'm very interested in how International Relations are affected by
PhD studies | Lund University
This programme offers you the chance to be part of one of the world's leading departments in the study of international relations while you undertake a substantial piece of work that is worthy of publication and which makes an original contribution to international relations.
You will begin on the MPhil and be upgraded to PhD status after passing a research panel within 18 months of initial registration. The Department is organised around four Research Clusters: International Institutions, Law and Ethics ; International Theory ; International Political Economy ; and Statecraft and Security.
You will belong to at least one of these clusters during your studies and attend its weekly events. You will also have the chance to participate in the editing of a student-run journal Millennium: Journal of International Studieswhich has a major role in the discipline.
The Department has particular strengths in international relations theory, security studies, international political economy, and European studies. As well as Europe, phd thesis international relations, its specialist areas cover Russia, Central, Northeast and Southeast Asia, phd thesis international relations, the USA, South America, the Middle East and Africa.
Other areas of research strength include foreign policy analysis, nationalism, religion, historical sociology, international environmental politics and strategic and war studies. Many individuals contribute to more than one of these subjects, and there is interdisciplinary work with colleagues in the Phd thesis international relations of Government and International History, as well as through the many research centres at the School.
Teaching and learning in LSE is committed to offering phd thesis international relations the best possible teaching and learning experience within the constraints of the ongoing COVID pandemic. Our expectation for the academic year is that all LSE students will be in London and studying on campus, where we will provide flexible teaching and learning which blends both in-person and online elements.
This flexible approach has been informed by our student and academic community and builds upon the innovations and improvements we have put in place over the phd thesis international relations year. For more information about LSE's teaching plans for and our Coronavirus FAQs for prospective students please visit our website. We will not consider applications which do not meet these criteria or do not expect to do so on completion of any pending qualifications.
Competition for places at the School is high. This means that even if you meet our minimum entry requirement, this does not guarantee you an offer of admission. If you have studied or are studying outside of the UK then have a look at our Information for International Students to find out the entry requirements that apply to you.
We welcome applications for research programmes that complement the academic interests of members of staff at the School, and we recommend that you investigate staff research interests before applying. Please note : Prospective candidates are not expected to contact potential supervisors in advance of their application.
Due to the high volume of enquiries, potential supervisors are unlikely to be able to provide feedback on enquiries and outline proposals, phd thesis international relations.
Individual academic members of staff are not able to make commitments to supervise prospective students outside of the formal application process.
We apply our entry criteria rigorously, so if you do not already meet or expect to meet them with any pending qualifications, you will not be successful. We carefully consider each application on an individual basis, taking into account all the information presented on your application form, including your:.
See further information on supporting documents. You may also have to provide evidence of your English proficiency. You do not need to provide this at the time of your application to LSE, but we recommend that you do. See our English language requirements. The application and funding deadline for this programme is 14 January See the fees and funding section for more details.
Every research student is charged a fee in line with the fee structure for their programme. The fee covers registration and examination fees payable to the School, lectures, classes and individual supervision, lectures given at other colleges under intercollegiate arrangements and, under current arrangements, membership of the Students' Union. It does not cover living costs or travel or fieldwork. The fee is likely to rise over subsequent years of the programme. The School charges home research students in line phd thesis international relations the level of fee that the Research Councils recommend.
The fees for overseas students are likely to rise in line with the assumed percentage increase in pay costs ie, 4 per cent per annum. The amount of tuition fees you will need to pay, and any financial support you are eligible for, will depend on whether you are classified as a home or overseas student, otherwise known as your fee status.
LSE assesses your fee status based on guidelines provided by the Department of Education. Further information about fee status classification. The School recognises that the cost of living in London may be higher than in your home town or country, and we provide generous scholarships each year to graduate students from the UK, the EU and outside the EU. This programme is eligible for LSE PhD Studentshipsand Economic and Social Research Council ESRC funding.
Selection for the PhD Studentships and ESRC funding is based on receipt phd thesis international relations an application for a place — including all ancillary documents, phd thesis international relations, before the funding deadline. In addition to our needs-based awards, LSE also makes available scholarships for students from specific regions of the world and awards for students studying specific subject areas. There may be other funding opportunities available through other organisations or phd thesis international relations and we recommend you investigate these options as well.
Fees and funding opportunities. LSE is an international community, with over nationalities represented amongst its student body. We celebrate this diversity through everything we do. If you are applying to LSE from outside of the UK then take a look at our Information for International students.
In addition to progressing with your research, you will take courses in methods and research design. You many take courses in addition to those listed and should discuss this with your supervisor. At the end of your first year, you will need to satisfy certain requirements and if you meet phd thesis international relations, will be retroactively upgraded to PhD status. Methods in International Relations Research - Compulsory not examined Familiarises students with the principal approaches to contemporary research phd thesis international relations the main branches of International Relations and to help students identify the appropriate methodology for their project.
Research Methods Training - Compulsory examined You will be required to take compulsory assessed courses to the combined value of one unit from the range of quantitative and qualitative research methods topics listed below.
Your selection of research methods should be agreed in consultation with your supervisor. You could take a different research methods course from those listed below, if this is better suited to your topic but this would need to be approved by their supervisor first.
Research Cluster Workshops - Compulsory not examined Students will select from the below options:. For the most up-to-date list of optional courses please visit the relevant School Calendar page.
You must note however that while care has been taken to ensure that phd thesis international relations information is up to date and correct, a change of circumstances since publication may cause the School to change, suspend or withdraw a course or programme of study, or change the fees that apply to it.
The School will always notify the affected parties as early as practicably possible and propose any viable and relevant alternative options. Note that that the School will neither be liable for information that after publication becomes inaccurate or irrelevant, nor for changing, suspending or withdrawing a course or programme of study due to events outside of its control, which includes but is not limited to a lack of demand for a course or programme of study, industrial action, fire, phd thesis international relations, flood or other environmental or physical damage to premises.
The School cannot therefore guarantee you a place. Please note that changes to programmes and courses can sometimes occur after you have accepted your offer of a place. These changes are normally made in light of developments in the discipline or path-breaking research, or on the basis of student feedback. Changes can take the form of altered course content, phd thesis international relations, teaching formats or assessment modes.
Any such changes are intended to enhance the student learning experience. Certain substantive changes will be listed on the updated graduate course and programme information page. You will be assigned a lead supervisor who has the necessary expertise to oversee your research work, phd thesis international relations.
Lead supervisors guide you through your studies and are your main support contact during the PhD programme. During your first year you will attend and contribute to the Methods in International Relations seminar, one of the Department Research Cluster workshops and take research methods training courses to the combined value of one unit from the recommended list courses.
These are designed to strengthen your methodological skills and background knowledge of specific topics related to your research. During the second, third and fourth years you will also attend and contribute to one of the Department Research Cluster workshops. You will also be assigned an adviser, a member phd thesis international relations the International Relations faculty who will be familiar with your progress but will not necessarily be an expert in your research area, phd thesis international relations.
Your adviser will be involved in the review and upgrade process. Each PhD thesis is unique, but the time frame everyone has to complete their thesis is four years. Continued re-registration and upgrade are dependent on satisfactory progress being made. Progress will be reviewed annually by a research panel made up of members of academic staff other than the supervisor. Students are normally upgraded to PhD status by the end of the first year, and no later than within 18 months of initial registration in line with Research Degrees Regulations.
The Annual Progress Review may result in a decision allowing progression to the next academic session, conditional progression to the next academic session, or a recommendation of de-registration. In order to progress to PhD registration, you must normally have met the progression requirements outlined below:. By the end of your first year, you will be required to submit a statement of research including a research outline and one draft chapter of no more than 10, words.
The proposal, which should illustrate your command of the theoretical and empirical literature related to your topic, will be a clear statement of the theoretical and methodological approach you will take. This should demonstrate the coherence and feasibility of the proposed research and thesis. The submission will also include a timetable to completion, which should identify any periods of fieldwork necessary to your research.
Panels will normally take place in week of the Summer Term. In the unlikely event where a student is successful at passing the upgrade panel but requires a second attempt at completing the Research Methods Courses, they may be authorised to be upgraded but would be required to pass the course by the end of their second year in order to re-register.
After the first year review panel, progress will be reviewed annually as per Regulations for Research Degrees, phd thesis international relations. In year 2, you will phd thesis international relations expected to submit two additional draft chapters and a timetable to completion which will be reviewed by the same panellists as in Year 1.
The two chapters should be substantially new work, but may include revised material from year 1. Phd thesis international relations virtual panel meeting will be scheduled in week of the Summer Term and make recommendations on further progression based on progress made and quality of work submitted, as well as attendance at a Cluster Workshop.
These will need to be approved by the supervisor and reviewed by the Doctoral Programme Director in order to authorise re-registration. Whatever your query, big or small there are a range of people you can speak to and who will be happy to help. Department librarians — they will be able to help you navigate the library and maximise its resources during your studies.
Accommodation service - they can offer advice on living in halls and offer guidance on private accommodation related queries. Class teachers and seminar leaders — they will be able to assist with queries relating to a specific course you are taking. Disability and Wellbeing Service — the staff are experts in long term health conditions, sensory impairments, mental health phd thesis international relations specific learning difficulties.
They offer confidential and free services such as student counselling, a peer support scheme, arranging exam adjustments and run groups and workshops, phd thesis international relations.
IT help — support available 24 hours a day to assist with all of your technology queries. LSE Faith Centre — home to LSE's diverse religious activities and transformational interfaith leadership programmes, as well as a space for worship, prayer and quiet reflection. It includes Islamic prayer rooms and a main phd thesis international relations for worship.
My PhD – School of Politics and International Relations
, time: 1:42Doctor of Philosophy | University of Technology Sydney

Each year, the Committee on International Relations welcomes a small cohort of students who pursue original research that is theory-driven, methodologically sound, and policy-relevant. Trained by world-class faculty and mentored by advanced PhD students, our graduates pursue global careers in academia, consulting, government, IGOs, law firms In Sweden a ‘licentiate’ degree equals the completion of half of the coursework, or thesis, required for a full doctoral programme, i.e. a licentiate degree corresponds to two years of full-time study and at least 60 credits have to be awarded for a licentiate thesis. It is equivalent to the The PhD is a University-wide degree that involves an intense period of supervised study and research. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded to successful candidates who have made a distinct contribution to knowledge, whether by original investigation, review or criticism
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